trees and leaves

Ordinances, Resolutions and Notices

Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances

Ordinance of the Month



  • Resolution 2024-19 – Approving a conditional use request to store two (2) dump trucks within an existing pole barn at 14918 Washington Avenue (STH 20), Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-060-006); Joshua Kramsky, Owner; Joshua Kramsky, Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2024-02 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the proposed rezoning of ±4.955 acres of land located at 14918 Washington Avenue (STH 20) (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-060-006), in the W½ of the SW¼ of Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin, from the R-3 (Suburban Residential – Sewered) Zoning District to the A-2 (General Farming and Residential II) Zoning District; Joshua Kramsky, Owner; Joshua Kramsky, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2024-18 – Approving a conditional use request to convert the existing industrial building at this address into a multi-tenant building and to occupy a portion of the building and site with a semi-tractor sale and leasing business known as “Rolling Equity Leasing” at 2808 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-001-011); ADK Racine, LLC, Owner; Rolling Equity Leasing, LLC/Chuck Minesal/Jeff Fish, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2024-17 – Not Adopted
  • Sewer Resolution 2024-01 – Adopting the findings of the 2023 Yorkville Sewer Utility District’s Compliance Maintenance Annual Report
  • Resolution 2024-16 – Resolution of Necessity for Fire and EMS station facility construction at the property depicted in Exhibit A
  • Resolution 2024-15 – Setting forth the relocation order of the Village of Yorkville affecting certain property located 515 Deer Path (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-092-070) in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2024-14 – Approving a site plan amendment request to amend the site plan request approved on July 11, 2022, by exceeding the accessory structure maximum aggregate total footprint area by an additional ±3,049 square feet due to a lot size reduction resulting from a lot line adjustment with an adjoining parcel, at 2631 Raymond Avenue (CTH U), Sec. 04, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-04-030-000); Burchell Family Trust, Owner; Stacy Burchell, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2024-13 – Petitioning the Town of Norway for the transfer of a reserve “Class B” alcohol license on behalf of Range Time LLC
  • Resolution 2024-12 – Approving the acceptance of records that are required by law to be submitted in writing with written signatures as electronic documents with electronic signatures
  • Resolution 2024-11 – Not adopted
  • Resolution 2024-10 – Approving a site plan request to occupy an existing commercial building and site with a truck and truck parts, sales, and service business known as “EJ Equipment” at 2626 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-002-001); 2626 Sylvania, LLC/Dragan Radeta, Owner; EJ Equipment/Kerry LeSage, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2024-09 – Establishing a three-way traffic stop at the intersection of Grandview Parkway and West Grandview Parkway
  • Resolution 2024-08 – Supporting the credentialing of Shepherds College to allow access to Pell Grants and Federal Work Study opportunities
  • Resolution 2024-07 – Approving the Village of Yorkville’s Adjusted Urban Area Boundary
  • Resolution 2024-06 – Designating and appointing committee members and officials to various positions in Village of Yorkville government
  • Resolution 2024-05 – Approving the purchase of land for improved water tower access and authorizing the execution of all steps necessary to effectuate said transaction
  • Water Resolution 2024-01 – Approving the purchase of land for improved water tower access and authorizing the execution of all steps necessary to effectuate said transaction
  • Resolution 2024-04 – Approving a site plan request for a Class II collocation to install six new antennas, six new radios, and two hybrid cables at 140 feet on an existing mobile service support structure, including associated ground equipment, for an additional carrier known as “T-Mobile” at 19805 Durand Avenue (STH 11), Sec. 31, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, State of Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-31-002-000); Racine County Agricultural Society, Owner; T-Mobile/SMJ International, LLC/Kristen Swenson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2024-03 – Memorializing and approving the execution and submission of a ballot related to the Second Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of Endo International PLC and its affiliated debtors as recommended by the Official Committee of Opioid Claimants
  • Resolution 2024-02 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2023 General Fund and Sewer Utility Fund annual budgets
  • Resolution 2024-01 – Approving a conditional use request to expand the existing landscape supply business to include additional equipment parking, landscape material bins, and three future buildings for the businesses known as “Erickson’s Landscape Supply” and “JW Erickson Company” at 18917 Spring Street (CTH C), Sec. 20, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-20-040-000); Jon and Kay Erickson, Owner; Dan Meier/Lynch & Associates, Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2024-01 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the proposed rezoning of ±24.11 acres of land located at 14922 Washington Avenue (STH 20) (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-053-010), in the W½ of the SW¼ of Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin, from the R-3 (Suburban Residential – Sewered) Zoning District to the A-2 (General Farming and Residential II) Zoning District; Ed Zurey and Linda Kelly, Owner; Dylan Arntzen, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-36 – Appointing 2024-2025 election inspectors
  • Resolution 2023-35 – Approving the 2024 Racine County zoning-related Professional Services Agreement and zoning fee schedule
  • Resolution 2023-34 – Approving a conditional use request to convert the existing commercial building at this address into a multi-tenant building and to occupy a portion of the building with a tobacco and vape sales business at 734 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 13, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-010-030); 734 S. Sylvania Avenue, LLC, Owner; Biren Patel, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-33 – Approving a conditional use request to continue a non-metallic (clay) mining operation, including the crushing and recycling of concrete and asphalt at 17108 County Line Road (CTH KR), Sec. 33, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-33-016-010); Pine Haven Enterprises, LLC, Owner; Nick Willkomm, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-32 – Approving a site plan request to construct an 1,132-square foot receiving room addition, and for traffic circulation improvements and pavement maintenance at 18621 Washington Avenue (STH 20), Sec. 08, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-08-007-000, 194-03-21-08-020-000, 194-03-21-08-005-000, 194-03-21-08-008-000, and 194-03-21-08-011-000); Yorkville Joint #2 School District, Owner; Dr. Mark Rollefson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-31 – Adopting the Village of Yorkville’s 2023 payable 2024 property tax levy and 2024 budgets
  • Resolution 2023-30 – Setting 2024 employee compensation
  • Resolution 2023-29 – Approving a site plan request for a Class II collocation to install new antennas at 170 feet on an existing mobile service support structure, including associated ground equipment, for an additional carrier known as “AT&T” at 16436 50th Road, Sec. 03, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-03-025-000); Kenneth and Diane Bretl, Owner; AT&T/Matthew Fitzgibbon, Applicant/Agent
  • Joint Review Board Resolution 2023-01 – Acknowledging the filing of the annual report and compliance with the annual meeting requirement
  • Resolution 2023-28 – Setting forth the second amended Relocation Order of the Village of Yorkville affecting certain property located at 1520 Grandview Parkway (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-029-016) in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2023-27 – Amending sewer service charges for properties within Sewer Utility District No. 1 of the Village of Yorkville
  • Resolution 2023-26 – Setting forth the amended Relocation Order of the Village of Yorkville affecting certain property located at 1520 Grandview Parkway (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-029-016) in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2023-25 – Approving a site plan amendment request for the replacement of the existing 20-foot “Mobil” pole sign located at the northwest corner of the parcel located at 820 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) with a new 24-foot “Exxon” pole sign associated with an existing travel center known as “Willkomm’s Racine PETRO” at 820 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 13, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-011-000); Willkomm Development, LLP, Owner; Rosie Olle/Michaels Signs, Inc., Applicant/AgentResolution 2023-25 Approving a site plan amendment request for the replacement of the existing 20-foot “Mobil” pole sign located at the northwest corner of the parcel located at 820 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) with a new 24-foot “Exxon” pole sign associated with an existing travel center known as “Willkomm’s Racine PETRO” at 820 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 13, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-011-000); Willkomm Development, LLP, Owner; Rosie Olle/Michaels Signs, Inc., Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-24 – Updating the fee schedule for fees established by Yorkville Village Board policy and various provisions of the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances
  • Resolution 2023-23 – Approving a site plan review request for the occupancy of an existing commercial building with a drill rig service, sale, and rental business known as “ECA” at 2118 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-021-000); 2118 North Sylvania LLC, Owner; Robert Gleason, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-22 – Approving a site plan review request for the construction of a 4,821-square-foot corporate office building for occupancy by “Hribar Storage” and associated businesses at 2221 Raymond Avenue (CTH U), Sec. 04, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-04-060-000); Hribar Land Management LLC, Owner; Brian Depies/Short Elliott Hendrickson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-21 – Approving a site plan review request for the construction of two self-service storage buildings (one 30-foot by 210-foot and one 40-foot by 192-foot) associated with an existing self-service storage facility known as “Storage Authority” at 19039 Spring Street (CTH C), Sec. 20, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-20-020-005); Storage Authority/MABKGPNB LLC, Owner; Brian Depies/Short Elliott Hendrickson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-20 – Approving a conditional use permit request to combine two parcels and to construct two ±10,000-square-foot industrial building shells on the resulting parcel, with site work and buildout to be determined once potential commercial tenants are established, at 2232 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) and the vacant parcel located immediately to the south of 2232 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-019-000 and 194-03-21-01-020-000); 2232 North Sylvania LLC and 2118 North Sylvania LLC, Owner; Robert Gleason, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-19 – Approving a site plan review request for the occupancy of an existing industrial building (Building #4) with a stone product warehousing and distribution business known as “3D Stones & Surfaces, LLC” at 14314 58th Road, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-007-000); Mark and Joyce Sonday, Owner; Sinaj Maliakal, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-18 – Approving the “Resolution authorizing the appointment of adult crossing guards by the School Board for the Joint School District Number 1, Village of Union Grove, Towns of Paris, Dover, and Yorkville.”
  • Resolution 2023-17 – Updating the fee schedule for fees established by Yorkville Village Board policy and various provisions of the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances
  • Resolution 2023-16 – Setting forth the relocation order of the Village of Yorkville affecting certain property located at 1520 Grandview Parkway (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-029-016) in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2023-15 – Approving a site plan review request for the addition of a second drive-thru lane and relocation of the patio area and dumpster enclosure associated with Culvers at 722 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 13, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-010-010); GIGI Associates LLC, Owner; Endpoint Solutions/Jason Heinonen, Applicant/Agent
  • Sewer Resolution 2023-01 – Adopting the findings of the 2022 Yorkville Sewer Utility District’s Compliance Maintenance Annual Report
  • Resolution 2023-14 – Approving a conditional use permit request to construct a public parking lot associated with an existing truck stop located at 717 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) on the vacant parcel located between 904 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) and 734 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 13, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-010-040); MAP 14100 LLC, Owner; Keith Kindred/Short Elliott Hendrickson and Michael Willkomm/Willkomm Development LLP, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-13 – Designating and appointing committee members and officials to various positions in Village of Yorkville government
  • Resolution 2023-12 – Approving an additional Memorandum of Understanding and Addendum with Wisconsin State-Local Government Plaintiffs for the allocation of opioid settlement proceeds, agreeing to the terms of the Wisconsin State-Local Government Opioid Memorandum of Understanding and Addendum allocating certain settlement proceeds, and authorizing the execution of such Memorandum of Understanding for the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2023-11 – Authorizing and approving the execution and submission of participation forms related to the TEVA, Allergan, Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart opioid settlement by the Village Administrator/Clerk or President for the Village of Yorkville
  • Resolution 2023-10 – Approving a conditional use permit request to raze a portion of an existing industrial building and to construct a ± 29,232-square foot addition at 2319 Raymond Avenue (CTH U), Sec. 04, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-04-060-060); Echo Yorkville, LLC, Owner; Gary Kitelinger, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-09 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2022 Sewer Utility Fund and Water Utility Fund annual budgets
  • Resolution 2023-08 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2022 General Fund annual budget
  • Resolution 2023-07 – Designating and appointing a resident to the Village of Yorkville Board of Appeals
  • Resolution 2023-06 – Approving an additional Memorandum of Understanding with Wisconsin State-Local Government Plaintiffs for partial settlement with certain Defendants in the Multistate Opioid Litigation pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, agreeing to the terms of the Wisconsin State-Local Government Opioid Bankruptcy Memorandum of Understanding allocating certain settlement proceeds, and authorizing execution of such Memorandum of Understanding
  • Resolution 2023-05 – Supporting the granting of a variance to 2730 Sylvania Ave, LLC (with Handi Products as applicant/agent) for a sign to exceed the established limit for LED usage on a sign face in the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances for a sign on the parcel located at 2730 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-021-001) in the B-3 (Commercial Service) Zoning District
  • Resolution 2023-04 – Re-approving a request for a conditional use permit to create a 15-parcel cluster subdivision (plus one approximately 60.75-acre outlot) on three unaddressed parcels located to the west, north and partially to the east of the parcel located at 14700 50th Road, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-006-040, 194-03-21-01-006-030 and 194-03-21-01-006-010); TNG 27, LLC, Owner; Nancy Washburn/Raymond Leffler, Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2023-01 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(A) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin, relating to the rezoning of ±85 acres of land from the A-2 General Farming and Residential District II to the C-2 Upland Resource Conservation District, on three unaddressed parcels located to the west, north and partially to the east of the parcel located at 14700 50th Road, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-006-040, 194-03-21-01-006-030 and 194-03-21-01-006-010), to accommodate a 15-parcel cluster subdivision; TNG 27, LLC, Owner; Nancy Washburn/Raymond Leffler, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-03 – Approving a site plan review request for the replacement of the roof on an existing 5,000-square-foot commercial building at 2118 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-021-000); 2118 North Sylvania, LLC, Owner; Robert Gleason, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-02 – Approving a site plan review request for the outdoor parking of heavy equipment associated with Zoomlion Heavy Industry NA, Inc. at 14215 2 Mile Road, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-001-070); Zoomlion Heavy Industry NA, Inc., Owner; Deb Lauenstein, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2023-01 – Approving a final certified survey map to allow for the division of the parcel located at 2801 53rd Drive into a 3.48-acre parcel, a 3.48-acre parcel, and a 4.38-acre parcel, Sec. 02, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-02-002-020); David and Juli Tianen Trust, Owner; David and Juli Tianen, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-46 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2022 General Fund annual budget
  • Resolution 2022-45 – Approving the 2023 Racine County zoning-related Professional Services Agreement and zoning fee schedule
  • Resolution 2022-44 – Approving a final certified survey map to allow for the division of the parcel located at 2730 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) into a 9.40-acre parcel and a 16.10-acre parcel, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-021-001); 2730 Sylvania Ave, LLC, Owner; Robert Gleason, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-43 – Adopting the Village of Yorkville’s 2022 payable 2023 property tax levy and 2023 budgets
  • Resolution 2022-42 – Setting 2023 employee compensation
  • Resolution 2022-41 – Updating the fee schedule for fees established by Yorkville Village Board policy and various provisions of the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances
  • Resolution 2022-40 – Setting escrows for reimbursement of costs in submittals to the Village of Yorkville
  • Resolution 2022-39 – Permitting the operation of snowmobiles on Village-owned property located at 19040 Spring Street (CTH C)
  • Resolution 2022-38 – Approving a site plan review request for the temporary occupancy of an existing ±16,224-square foot industrial building with a package distribution facility for a package distributor known as “UPS” at 14314 58th Road, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-007-000); Mark Sonday, Owner; Adam Cincotta, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-37 Approving a site plan review request for the construction of a ±767-square foot lunchroom addition to an existing industrial building at 14215 2 Mile Road, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-001-070); Zoomlion Heavy Industry NA, Inc., Owner; Deb Lauenstein, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-36 – Approving roadway classification changes in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2022-35 – Approving a final certified survey map to allow for the combination of these parcels and the redivision of the combined parcel located at 2502 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) and 2626 49th Drive into a 30.0459-acre parcel to the west and a 32.0203-acre parcel to the east, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-003-000 and 194-03-21-01-002-000); 2502 Sylvania, LLC and TCTS, LLC, Owners; Dragan Radeta, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-34 – Authorizing the execution of agreements with the Village of Raymond and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the 2 Mile Road bridge replacement project
  • Resolution 2022-33 – Establishing a four-way traffic stop at the intersection of 58th Road and 59th Drive
  • Resolution 2022-32 – Establishing a four-way traffic stop at the intersection of 58th Road and 67th Drive
  • Resolution 2022-31 – Approving a conditional use permit request to update the exterior lighting plan for a business known as “McLane Foodservice” at 1906 Grandview Parkway, Sec. 13 and Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-13-029-112 and 194-03-21-24-001-040); McLane Foodservice, Inc., Owner; Michael Fincutter, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-30 – Approving a conditional use permit request to occupy an existing commercial building and site with a trailer and handicap accessibility product sales and service business known as “Handi Products” at 2730 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-021-001); 2730 Sylvania Ave, LLC, Owner; Handi Products/Thomas Disch, Applicant/Agent
  • Joint Review Board Resolution 2022-01 – Acknowledging the filing of annual reports and compliance with the annual meeting requirement
  • Resolution 2022-29 – Approving a final certified survey map to allow for the division of the parcel located at 17803 2 Mile Road into a 5.47-acre parcel and a 4.20-acre parcel, Sec. 04, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-04-034-000); Nicholas and Shannon Hilbert, Owner; Nicholas and Shannon Hilbert, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-28 – Not adopted
  • Resolution 2022-27 – Approving a site plan review request for a Class II collocation to install six new antennas, six new radios, and two hybrid cables at 140 feet on an existing mobile service support structure, including associated ground equipment, for an additional carrier known as “T-Mobile” at 19805 Durand Avenue (STH 11), Sec. 31, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-31-002-000); Racine County Agricultural Society, Owner; T-Mobile/SMJ International, LLC/Kristen Swenson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-26 – Not adopted
  • Resolution 2022-25 – Not adopted
  • Resolution 2022-24 – Approving a site plan review request to exceed the accessory structure maximum aggregate total footprint area and to construct a 21,000-square foot indoor horse-riding arena at 2631 Raymond Avenue (CTH U), Sec. 04, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-04-030-000); Stacy Burchell, Owner; Stacy Burchell, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-23 – Approving a site plan review request for the establishment of an overall master sign plan at 14706/14708 Washington Avenue (STH 20), Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-065-000); Voge Properties, LLC, Owner; Scott Voge, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-22 – Approving a request to exceed the accessory structure maximum aggregate total footprint area for the parcel, and to obtain after-the-fact approval for the construction of an open-sided accessory structure at 14800 Braun Road, Sec. 25, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-25-013-010); Maria Sandoval, Owner; Maria Sandoval, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-21 – Not adopted
  • Resolution 2022-20 – Approving a request for site plan review for the installation of 399 electric vehicle charging stations and associated ground equipment for a business known as “Amazon” at 1925 Grandview Parkway and 2000 Grandview Parkway, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-24-001-300 and 194-03-21-24-001-030); NLP II Grandview V, LLC, Owner; Black & Veatch on behalf of Amazon, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-19 – Approving a request for site plan review for the occupancy of a ±48,000 square feet of an existing industrial building with a warehousing business known as “Great Northern Corporation” at 1800 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-001-035); NLP Grandview II, LLC, Owner; Great Northern Corporation, Applicant/Agent
  • Sewer Resolution 2022-01 – Adopting the findings of the 2021 Yorkville Sewer Utility District’s Compliance Maintenance Annual Report
  • Resolution 2022-18 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to construct a 30-foot by 60-foot (1,800-square foot) creamery addition to an existing barn for a dairy product business known as “Silo View Creamery” at 18320 Old Yorkville Road, Sec. 05, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-05-058-001); Rachel Rank, Owner; Rachel Rank, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-17 – Approving a request for site plan review for the construction of a ±4,150-square foot addition to an existing industrial building on this parcel for dry fertilizer storage, including construction of a 108.66-foot-high bucket elevator for an agricultural business known as “ALCIVIA” at 17702 County Line Road (CTH KR), Sec. 33, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-33-015-020); Cooperative Plus, Inc., Owner; Fred Johnson/ALCIVIA, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-16 – Designating and appointing committee members and officials to various positions in Village of Yorkville government
  • Resolution 2022-15 – Opposing the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s proposed roundabout at the intersection of Colony Avenue (U.S. Highway 45) and Plank Road (Racine County Highway A) in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2022-14 – Not adopted
  • Resolution 2022-13 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to construct a ±9,999-square foot commercial building on these parcels for the sales, service, maintenance and leasing of trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles and equipment, and to construct a parking area to be utilized as a truck terminal at 2502 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) and a portion of the parcel located at 2626 49th Drive, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-003-000 and 194-03-21-01-002-000); 2502 Sylvania, LLC and TCTS, LLC, Owner; Dragan Radeta, Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2022-03 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the rezoning of ±32.0203 acres of land from the B-3 (Commercial Service), M-2 (General Industrial) and A-2 (General Farming and Residential II) Zoning Districts to the B-5 (Highway Business) Zoning District, part of the S½ of the NE¼ of Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, for the parcel located at 2502 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) and a portion of the parcel located at 2626 49th Drive (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-003-000 and 194-03-21-01-002-000), for the construction of a ±9,999-square foot commercial building on these parcels for the sales, service, maintenance and leasing of trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles and equipment, and the construction of a parking area to be utilized as a truck terminal; 2502 Sylvania, LLC and TCTS, LLC, Owner; Dragan Radeta, Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2022-02 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the rezoning of ±40.22978 acres of land from the A-2 (General Farming and Residential II) Zoning District to the M-2 (General Industrial) Zoning District, part of the N½ of the NW¼ of Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, for the parcel located at 2025 51st Drive (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-005-000); Arch Stanton LLC, Owner; Brian Lilly, Applicant
  • Resolution 2022-12 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to construct a ±399,900-square foot industrial building on this parcel at 2200 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-002-000); David Borzynski and Joseph Borzynski, Owner; Wangard Partners, Inc./Mark Lake, Applicant
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2022-01 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the rezoning of ±12.18 acres of land from the B-3 (Commercial Service) Zoning District to the M-3 (Heavy Industrial) Zoning District, part of the S½ of the NE¼ of Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, the parcel located at 2200 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-002-000), to construct a ±399,900-square foot industrial building on this parcel; David Borzynski and Joseph Borzynski, Owner; Wangard Partners, Inc./Mark Lake, Applicant
  • Resolution 2022-11 – Approving a request for site plan review for the construction of a ±2,500-square foot addition to an existing truck sales and service building on this parcel for a business known as “Lakeside International Trucks” at 1008 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 13, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-13-009-030); REICO Investments, Inc., Owner; Kenneth F. Sullivan Co., Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-10 – Updating the Fee Schedule for fees established by Yorkville Village Board policy and various provisions of the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances
  • Resolution 2022-09 – Authorizing entry into the Voluntary Compact of Intergovernmental Cooperation Council for Racine County and its Municipalities
  • Resolution 2022-08 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2021 General Fund and Sewer Utility Fund annual budgets
  • Resolution 2022-07 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to occupy an existing commercial building and yard with a plumbing business known as “Northern Mechanical, LLC” at 14706/14708 Washington Avenue (STH 20), Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-065-000); HABU Properties, LLC, Owner; Voge Properties, LLC, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-06 – Approving a request for site plan review for a Class II collocation to install three new antennas at 167 feet on an existing mobile service support structure (north tower), including associated ground equipment, for an additional carrier known as “DISH Wireless” at 18917 Spring Street (CTH C), Sec. 20, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-20-040-000); Jon and Kay Erickson, Owner; Veracity Land Use Development Services/DISH Wireless/Michael Clust, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-05 – Approving a request for site plan review for a Class II collocation to install three new antennas at 135 feet on an existing mobile service support structure, including associated ground equipment, for an additional carrier known as “DISH Wireless” at 611 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-025-001); SBA Structures, Inc., Owner; DISH Wireless/Shane Stubblefield, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-04 – Approving a request for site plan review to amend the existing master plan for a commercial/recreational facility known as Apple Holler at 5006 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 36, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-36-011-000); Flannery Land Holdings, LLC, Owner; David Flannery, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2022-03 – Authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $8,328,882 General Obligation Sewerage System Promissory Notes, Series 2022, and providing for other details and covenants with respect thereto
  • Resolution 2022-02 – Appointing 2022-2023 election inspectors
  • Resolution 2022-01 – Approving a request for site plan review to construct a ±1,600-square foot showroom addition to an existing commercial building at 2334 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-015-000); John Anderson, Owner; John Anderson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-48 – Appointing 2022-2023 election inspectors
  • Resolution 2021-47 – Authorizing the Village of Yorkville to enter into the Settlement Agreements with McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., AmerisourceBergen Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc., agree to the terms of the MOU allocating settlement proceeds, and authorize entry into the MOU with the Attorney General
  • Resolution 2021-46 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to construct a nine-building self-service storage facility on the two vacant parcels located immediately to the west of 19411 Washington Avenue (STH 20), Sec. 07, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-07-001-022 and 194-03-21-07-001-023); Top Flight, LLC, Owner; Storage Authority, LLC/Brian Depies/Short Elliott Hendrickson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-45 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to occupy an existing 18,146-square-foot industrial building with a medical waste sterilization facility associated with a business known as “Stericycle, Inc.,” at 14114 Leetsbir Road, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-002-008); Darnell Family LTD Partnership, Owner; Stericycle, Inc., Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-44 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to occupy the existing industrial building on this parcel with an aircraft hangar door manufacturing business known as “Aviation Hangar Door Services, LLC” at 13822 56th Road, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-014-000); George and Joan Cicona, Owner; Lynn Baumgartner/Craig Hofmann/Aviation Hangar Door Services, LLC as Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2021-05 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(A) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the rezoning of ±8.15 acres of land from the M-1 (Light Industrial and Office), M-2 (General Industrial) and M-3 (Heavy Industrial) Zoning Districts to the M-3 (Heavy Industrial) Zoning District, NE¼ of SE¼ of Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, for the parcel located at 13822 56th Road (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-014-000), to accommodate the occupancy of the existing industrial building on this parcel with an aircraft hangar door manufacturing business known as “Aviation Hangar Door Services, LLC”; George and Joan Cicona, Owner; Lynn Baumgartner/Craig Hofmann/Aviation Hangar Door Services, LLC, Applicant
  • Resolution 2021-43 – Approving a request for site plan review to occupy ±122,730 square feet of an existing industrial building with a warehousing business known as “Brown West Logistics, LLC” at 1800 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-001-035); NLP Grandview II, LLC/Stockbridge Capital Group, Owner; West Logistics, LLC/Brown Integrated Logistics, Inc., Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-42 – Adopting the Village of Yorkville’s 2021 payable 2022 property tax levy and 2022 budgets
  • Resolution 2021-41 – Setting 2022 employee compensation
  • Resolution 2021-40 – Approving the 2022 Racine County zoning-related Professional Services Agreement and zoning fee schedule
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2021-04 – Not Adopted
  • Resolution 2021-39 – Advancing funds to Yorkville Sewer Utility District #1 to provide interim financing for Yorkville Sanitary Sewer System Project #4470-03
  • Sewer and Water Resolution 2021-01 – Advancing funds to Yorkville Sewer Utility District #1 to provide interim financing for Yorkville Sanitary Sewer System Project #4470-03
  • Resolution 2021-38 – Authorizing the borrowing of $3,500,000.00; providing for the issuance and sale of a general obligation promissory note therefor; and levying a tax in connection therewith
  • Resolution 2021-37 – Redistricting municipal ward boundaries and combining municipal wards for voting purposes in the Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2021-36 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to occupy a portion of an existing building on this parcel with a trailer sales and service business known as “TrailersPlus” at 2730 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-021-001); 2730 Sylvania Ave LLC, Owner; Robert Gleason/Interstate Group, LLC dba TrailersPlus as Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2021-03 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(A) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the rezoning of ±9.49 acres of land from the M-1 (Light Industrial and Office) Zoning District to the B-3 (Commercial Service) Zoning District, S½ of SE¼  of Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, for the parcel located at 2730 South Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road) (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-021-001), to accommodate the occupancy of a portion of an existing building on this parcel with a trailer sales and service business known as “TrailersPlus”; 2730 Sylvania Ave LLC, Owner; Robert Gleason, Applicant
  • Resolution 2021-35 – Approving a request for site plan review to expand a parking yard for boat storage associated with an existing business known as “Boat Tailors” at 2332 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-016-000); K11 Investments, LLC, Owner; Dean Steger/Boat Tailors, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-34 – Approving a final certified survey map to allow for the division of the parcel located at 5104 Crystal Lane into a 6.73-acre parcel and a 3.97-acre parcel, Sec. 35, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-35-029-013); James A. & Jolene P. Verwey Revocable Trust, Owner; James Verwey, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-33 – A modified resolution declaring official intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of borrowing through the State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund
  • Resolution 2021-32 – Approving a request for site plan review and a master sign plan to allow for the creation of a fenced outdoor storage area for lawn and garden equipment inventory associated with an existing business known as “Grove Outdoor Power Equipment,” and for the creation of an overall master sign plan for the parcel at 19529 Durand Avenue (STH 11), Sec. 31, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-31-035-100); Mark Pocaro, Owner; Brian Lehman/Grove Outdoor Power Equipment, Applicant/Agent
  • Joint Review Board Resolution 2021-02 – Acknowledging the filing of annual reports and compliance with the annual meeting requirement
  • Resolution 2021-31 – Establishing a four-way traffic stop at the intersection of 50th Road and 53rd Drive
  • Resolution 2021-30 – Authorizing the Village of Yorkville to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement regarding creation of a Racine County Public Health Division with Racine County
  • Resolution 2021-29 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit amendment to eliminate Condition # 28 of the conditional use permit approved by the Yorkville Village Board on May 11, 2020 for the properties located at 1925 Grandview Parkway, 2000 Grandview Parkway, and the vacant parcel to the north of 1906 Grandview Parkway, Sec. 13 and Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-24-001-300, 194-03-21-24-001-030 and 194-03-21-13-029-017); Village of Yorkville, Applicant; Michael McKinney, Agent
  • Resolution 2021-28 – Authorizing the release of a Highway Setback Restriction affecting the vacant parcel located immediately to the south of 2638 North Sylvania Avenue, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-002-001); 2626 Sylvania, LLC, Owner
  • Resolution 2021-27 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to create an approximately 10-acre fenced-in storage yard for construction vehicles and equipment associated with a construction business known as “Michels Corporation” for the vacant parcel located immediately to the west of 14215 2 Mile Road, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-001-060); Yorkville 2000 PTSK, LLC, Owner; Michels Corporation/Michael Kennedy, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-26 – Approving a request for site plan review to utilize an existing +/- 13,000-square-foot industrial building for the washing and warehousing of containers associated with “Daniels Sharpsmart, LLC” at 14401 58th Road, Sec. 25, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-25-008-000); Maverick Properties, LLC, Owner; Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc., Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-25 – Approving a request for site plan review to continue a non-metallic (clay) mining operation, including the crushing and recycling of concrete and asphalt, at 17108 County Line Road (CTH KR), Sec. 33, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-33-016-010); Pine Haven Enterprises, LLC, Owner; Nick Willkomm, Applicant/Agent
  • Joint Review Board Resolution 2021-01 – Approving the project plan and boundary amendment of Tax Incremental District No. 1, Village of Yorkville, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2021-24 – Updating the Fee Schedule for fees established by Yorkville Village Board policy and various provisions of the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances
  • Resolution 2021-23 – Approving an Amendment to the Project Plan and Boundaries of Tax Incremental District No. 1, Village of Yorkville, Wisconsin
  • Resolution 2021-22 – Approving a request for site plan review to expand the existing wastewater treatment facility at 14100 Washington Avenue (STH 20), Sec. 12, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-12-029-001); Town of Yorkville Sewer Utility District #1, Owner; Village of Yorkville/Michael McKinney, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-21 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to occupy an existing industrial building and yard with a construction company known as “Michels Corporation,” including backfilling of approximately 115 feet on the western edge of the property for the storage of construction equipment and relocation of an existing fence at 2916 North Sylvania Avenue (West Frontage Road), Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-001-000); Franksville 2000 PTSK, LLC, Owner; Michels Corporation/Michael Kennedy, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-20 – Not Adopted
  • Resolution 2021-19 – Approving a request for site plan review to utilize an approximately 200-foot by 200-foot (40,000 square feet) area at this site for the testing of heavy equipment, including digging, stockpiling and earth moving at 14215 2 Mile Road, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-001-070); Zoomlion Heavy Industry NA, Inc., Owner; Deb Lauenstein, Applicant/Agent
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2021-02 – Designating proposed amended boundaries and approving a project plan amendment for Tax Incremental District No. 1, Village of Yorkville, Wisconsin
  • Sewer Resolution 2021-01 – Adopting the findings of the 2020 Yorkville Sewer Utility District’s Compliance Maintenance Annual Report
  • Resolution 2021-18 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to construct an approximately 10,010-square foot multi-tenant commercial building for sales, service, maintenance and leasing of trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles and equipment at the vacant parcel located immediately to the south of 2638 North Sylvania Avenue, Sec. 01, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-01-002-001); CLC One Headlight Investments, LLC, Owner; Dragan Radeta/2626 Sylvania, LLC, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-17 – Approving a request for site plan review to relocate an existing +/-2,320-square-foot structure on the property located at 19039 Spring Street (CTH C) approximately 240 feet to the northeast to the property located at 19031 Spring Street (CTH C) at 19039 Spring Street (CTH C) and 19031 Spring Street (CTH C), Sec. 20, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’S 194-03-21-20-020-005 and 194-03-21-20-020-001); MABKGPNB, LLC, Owner; Brian Depies/Short Elliott Hendrickson, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-16 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to operate a seasonal food truck known as “The 14K Kitchen” at 2624 South Sylvania Avenue, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-017-000); Sylvania Airport, LLC, Owner; Kristin Beasley, Applicant/Agent
  • Resolution 2021-15 – Designating and appointing committee members and officials to various positions in Village of Yorkville government
  • Resolution 2021-14 – Adopting an amendment to the bond schedule for Branch 2 – Yorkville of the Joint Municipal Court of the Town of Dover and the Village of Yorkville
  • Resolution 2021-13 – Altering the boundaries of Sewer Utility District No. 1 of the Village of Yorkville pursuant to Wis. Stat. Section 66.0827 for the purpose of adding additional lands to the District
  • Resolution 2021-12 – Altering the boundaries of Water Utility District No. 1 of the Village of Yorkville pursuant to Wis. Stat. Section 66.0827 for the purpose of adding additional lands to the District
  • Resolution 2021-11 – Designating and appointing residents as alternate members of the Board of Review
  • Resolution 2021-10 – Instituting proceedings to alter the boundaries of Sewer Utility District No. 1 of the Village of Yorkville pursuant to Wis. Stat. Section 66.0827 for the purpose of adding additional lands to the district
  • Resolution 2021-09 – Instituting proceedings to alter the boundaries of Water Utility District No. 1 of the Village of Yorkville pursuant to Wis. Stat. Section 66.0827 for the purpose of adding additional lands to the district
  • Resolution 2021-08 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to create a 15-parcel cluster subdivision (including three outlots totaling approximately 61.05 acres) on three unaddressed parcels located to the west, north and partially to the east of the parcel located at 14700 50th Road, Sec. 1, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin, Sec. 1, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-006-040, 194-03-21-01-006-030 and 194-03-21-01-006-010); Diversified Land Developers LLC, Owner; TNG 27, LLC/Raymond Leffler/Nancy Washburn, Applicant
  • Plan Commission Resolution 2021-01 – Recommending approval of an ordinance amending the Racine County Code of Ordinances as adopted by the Village of Yorkville under Section 55-1(A) of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Yorkville relating to the rezoning of ±85 acres of land from the A-2 General Farming and Residential District II to the C-2 Upland Resource Conservation District, SW¼ OF Sec. 1, T3N, R21E., located west, north and east of 14700 50th Road (Parcel ID #’s 194-03-21-01-006-040, 194-03-21-01-006-030 and 194-03-21-01-006-010), to accommodate a 15-lot conservation residential development; Diversified Land Developers, LLC, Owner; TNG 27, LLC, Applicant
  • Resolution 2021-07 – Approving a request for a conditional use permit to construct an approximately 4,032-square foot multi-tenant commercial building at 4544 Jack Pine Lane, Sec. 31, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-31-018-017); Wildwood Holdings, LLC, Owner; John Kurt, Applicant
  • Resolution 2021-06 – Approving a request for site plan review to occupy approximately 96,240 square feet of the existing industrial building at this address with a plastics manufacturing company known as Logoplaste, including the addition of three plastic resin storage silos and three water chillers at 14125 West Grandview Parkway, Sec. 24, T3N, R21E, Village of Yorkville, Racine County, Wisconsin (Parcel ID # 194-03-21-24-001-100); Grandview HW II, LLC, Owner; Logoplaste Racine, LLC, Applicant
  • Resolution 2021-05 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2020 General Fund and Water Utility Fund annual budgets
  • Resolution 2021-04 – Approving the Zoning Fee Schedule of the Village of Yorkville
  • Resolution 2021-03 – Updating the Fee Schedule for fees established by Yorkville Village Board policy and various provisions of the Village of Yorkville Code of Ordinances
  • Resolution 2021-02 – Relocating the polling place for all wards of the Village of Yorkville
  • Resolution 2021-01 – Amending the Village of Yorkville’s 2020 General Fund, Sewer Utility Fund and Water Utility Fund annual budgets
